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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Welcome to the fold.

Salutations, my fellow humans, and thanks for stopping by my blog. This blog is an extension of a series of blogs that will cover many aspects of our day to day lives. The others in my family of blogs include "The Not So Awesome Files"-which ultimately will be a collection of rants which I have become known for in my circles, and also "The Travelling Chowdown"-a look into current dining/nightlife trends, best kept secrets revealed, and go to places in many cities across the world during your travels. As the construction of the ladder two are completed, I will let everyone know.

As stated in the description, the aim of this blog, 'The Awesome Files' is to touch on things that are great about the world. I am a very random person, and have many interests and opinions that will be touched on. We can go from one post discussing acts of philanthropy abroad to how incredibly awesome and diverse the music of the 1970's was in the next post. Nothing shed in a positive light is taboo here, and the idea is to get all of you talking and contributing as well. Tell myself, and others how you feel about topics discussed and if the focal point of the post hits close to home, great! For me, anytime you get a chance to bring people together for a common cause, whether we are all agreeing wholeheartedly, or jousting in a fine battle of wits, the idea is we are talking and interacting. I believe life is about three things (very generalized, so don't read too much into it): Presentation, Making connections and how you deal with adversity. Like Rick Ocaseck of The Cars once said, "let the good times roll!"

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